My life has changed, over the night, logically. I became mom, gave birth to my baby boy on Friday, 18th of October. I guess I'll share my birth story in one of the upcoming posts. These two weeks passed so fast, days and nights became one. So much learning and new things. Anyway I finally managed to put him to sleep in the crib, that's why I can share some recent photos I posted on Instagram. For details and more lifestyle photos feel free to visit my account...
Moj zivot se promenio, preko noci, logicno. Postala sam mama, rodila sam mog deckica u petak, 18og oktobra. Pretpostavljam da cu podeliti pricu o porodjaju u nekom od narednih postova. Ove dve nedelje su proletele, dani i noci su postali jedno. Dosta ucenja, dosta novih stvari. Elem konacno sam uspela da ga uspavam i stavim u kolevku, zato i mogu da podelim neke nedavne slike koje sam postavljala na Instagram. Za vise detalja i lifestyle fotografija, slobodno posetite moj nalog...
my pregnancy skincare buddies: Palmers "Massage lotion" and "Tummy butter" (I adore its rich texture and yummy smell), Balea "5-in-1 body oil"
moji pomocnici tokom trudnoce: Palmers "Massage lotion" i "Tummy butter" (obozavam bogatu teksturu i njami miris), Balea "5-u-1 ulje za telo"
"My tea tale" Black/White/Green tea infused non-carbonated drink (3 different flavors, no sugars, enriched with vitamins and just 1 kcal per 100ml)!
"My tea tale" napitak sa dodatkom crnog/belog/zelenog caja (3 razlicita ukusa, bez secera, obogaceni vitaminima i samo 1 kcal u 100ml)!
Nikad nisam bila zaludjena decijom modom, ali ovi plisani bodiji i pidzame za novorodjencad su neverovatno slatki!😁
38 weeks pregnant and ready :)
38 nedelja trudna i spremna :)
I will never be the person that knows to say "Goodbye summer, see you next year!"...
location: Potistika, Pelion
Nikada necu biti osoba koja zna da kaze: "Zbogom leto, vidimo se sledece godine!"...
lokacija: Potistika, Pelion
Turning protein shake into protein popsicles (plain ones, and with added mashed berries)!;)
Pretvorila sam proteinski sejk u proteinski sladoled (bez dodataka, i sa pasiranim kupinama)!;)
summer memories: "Rocabella Mykonos hotel"
letnje uspomene: "Rocabella Mykonos hotel"
35 weeks (8 months) pregnant :)
35 nedelja (8 meseci) trudna :)
It’s not about "having" time, it’s about consciously and purposely "making" time. You will always find the time for the things that matter, as long as you’re clear with your priorities. If something doesn’t matter you’ll find excuses.
Ne radi se o tome da "imate vremena", vec da svesno "odvojite" vreme. Uvek cete pronaci dovoljno vremena za stvari koje vam znace, dokle god su vam jasni prioriteti. Ako nesto nije znacajno pronacicete izgovor.
Super easy idea for a HIGH-FIBER PROBIOTIC PROTEIN SNACK that keeps your blood sugar stable. See recipe here!
Super jednostavna ideja za Proteinsko-probiotsku uzinu punu vlakana koja odrzava nivo secera u krvi. Pogledajte recept ovde!
location: Mykonos island
lokacija: Mikonos ostrvo
SKIATHOS island travel guide: see here
SKIJATOS ostrvo turisticki vodic: pogledajte ovde
Congratulations on becoming a mother! You look as fabulous (and glam and happy! :D ) now as you were before pregnancy. I hope you take care of yourself and your new baby boy.