Wow almost one month I haven't posted regular #glamfabweek post!:D Actually for quite some time I've been thinking about the refreshment of my blog, I think it's time to do some changes, you know the spring is coming so...:) That's why I haven't be much active on social media, sometimes you just need a break, especially when everything that we see/do/hear becomes overwhelming in a certain way... Anyway here are some Instagram pics I've been posting over the previous period...
Vau skoro mesec dana nisam objavila regularni #glamfabweek post!:D Zapravo vec duze vreme razmisljam o nekim osvezenjima sto se tice bloga, mislim da je vreme da unosem neke promene, ipak ce prolece!:) Zato i nisam bila toliko aktivna na socijalnim mrezama, nekad vam je prosto potreban predah, narocito kad dodje do ozbiljnog prezasicenja svim i svacim sto vidimo/radimo/cujemo... Elem evo nekih Instagram slicica koje sam postavljala u poslednje vreme...
What's in my travel makeup bag? See all Caudalie products in this post.
Sta je u mojoj travel mejkap torbici? Vidite sve Caudalie proizvode u ovom postu.
Santa Maria beach, Paros
new travel video: Buda castle sightseeing tour (here)
novi travel video: Budimska tvrdjava tura razgledanja (ovde)
Kalemegdan, Belgrade
Kalemegdan, Beograd
Matthias church, Budapest
Matejina crkva, Budimpesta
The pictures of you here are wonderful. Pretty smile and hairstyle with the first outfit, and your eyes look like diamonds. I remember the sleeveless blouse outfit from that school-inspired outfit from last year. Nice shiny boots and nice scarf in one of the later images. And finally, cool hat along with a pretty smile and hairstyle. Fine pictures! Welcome back to the blogosphere, too!