Kiehl's "Midnight Recovery Concentrate" is currently an integral part of my routine when it comes to the night skin care. This
serum is rich in essential oils such as lavender oil and evening
primrose, omega-6 fatty acids, and it also contains an ingredient called "squalane" which is very similar to the natural lipid layer of the skin. The
formula is semi-oily and relatively lightweight, easy to apply and
well absorbed, and the amount of a glass bottle lasts quite long.
Kiehl's "Midnight Recovery Concentrate" je trenutno sastavni deo moje rutine kada je nocna nega koze u pitanju. Ovaj serum je bogat esencijalnim uljima kao sto su ulje lavande i zutog nocurka, omega-6 masnim kiselinama, a sadrzi i sastojak pod imenom "squalane" koji je vrlo slican prirodnom lipidnom sloju koze. Formula je polu-uljana i relativno lagana, lako se nanosi i lepo upija, a sama kolicina bocice dugo traje.
The skin is soft and hydrated the next morning, although I frankly expected a little more from this product (well at least I had a hope). The
smell is stronger, I would describe it as a "botanical" one, which someone might like it (I know a woman who puts an additional drop of
serum under her nose because the scent helps her to fall asleep) and someone not
(for example I don't like it that much). I was choosing between this
Kiehl's serum (because I love their products!) and Estee
Lauder's (which is now on fall's shopping list). Although I'm
not overly happy with the results, I'm glad I tried it, because if you don't try- you can't know what suits you and what doesn't!
Koza je meka i hidrirana naredno jutro, mada sam ja iskreno receno
ocekivala malo vise od ovog proizvoda (barem sam se tome nadala). Miris
je jaci, opisala bih ga kao "botanicki", sto se nekima dopada (znam zenu
koja dodatno stavlja kap seruma ispod nosa jer joj miris pomaze da lakse zaspi) a nekima ne (meni se recimo ne dopada). Dugo sam vagala izmedju
ovog Kiehl's seruma (jer volim njihove proizvode!) i Estee Lauder-ovog
(koji je sada na jesenjoj soping listi). Iako nisam preterano zadovoljna
rezultatima drago mi je sto sam ga isprobala, jer ako ne isprobate ne
mozete znati sta vam odgovara a sta ne!
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