When we went to Corfu island (like ten days ago) to finish some errands, we grabbed (for the first time) 2-3 hours
to take a dip in the sea and the sun finally saw us in swimsuits!:)
Friends who live in Corfu, suggested us to visit Glyfada beach, so right
after the breakfast we got in the car and headed to the trendy beach,
located 16km west of Corfu town. I was prepared for the cold water (because for that kind of water I know), but I was shocked when I dipped my fingers- water was waaaaaarm!!! Fortune favored us that day because it was a warm current, usually the water is indeed cold in the summer!
Here are some pictures of Glyfada beach, and next week I will show you which beach bar we chose!;)
Kad smo pre desetak dana skoknuli do ostrva Krf da zavrsimo neke poslice, ugrabili smo (po prvi put) 2-3 sata da se okupamo u moru i da nas sunce konacno vidi u kupacem!:) Prijatelji koji zive na Krfu su nam predlozili Glifada plazu, i odmah nakon dorucka smo seli u kola i uputili se ka trendi plazi koja se nalazi 16km zapadno od grada Krfa. Ja sam bila pripremljena za hladnu vodu (jer za takvu znam), ali dozivela sam "sok" kada sam umocila nogice- voda je bila toplaaaaaa!!! Sreca nam je bila naklonjena tog dana jer je u pitanju bila topla struja, obicno je voda zaista hladna tokom leta!
Evo nekih slikica Glifada plaze, a sledece nedelje cu vam pokazati u kom beach baru smo bili!;)
This looks amazing, it reminds a little of the Lindos beach in Rhodes! Thank you for the beautiful photos and the travel tips, I plan to visit Corfu in the next years.
ReplyDeleteHave a lovely weekend,
Mary x