Current beauty favorite comes from Avon, and this product is something I really like to start my day with... "Blissfully nourishing facial souffle" is the cleansing facial cream that has a very rich texture and absolutely divine smell. It contains African shea-butter and ginger extract, and comes in a packaging of 75ml. It's not
the usual cleansing product because it also has certain
micro-particles, which have a mild abrasive effect, so at the same time this cream also performs the function of peeling. A very small amount of product is needed to thoroughly clean the face.
"Facial souffle" spontaneously became a part of my morning ritual. Before
showering I apply the cream to a dry face (not a wet one so the peeling
effect is even better) in circular movements which improves the skin circulation,
let it sit on my face and wash it off at the end of the shower. The result is a clean, soft, velvety and smooth skin, ready for further hydration and care!
Trenutni beauty favorit dolazi iz Avona, i ovaj proizvod je nesto cime izuzetno volim da zapocnem svoj dan...
"Blissfully nourishing facial souffle" je krema za ciscenje lica vrlo bogate teksture i apsolutno bozanstvenog mirisa. Sadrzi africki shea-buter i ekstrakt djumbira, i dolazi u pakovanju od 75ml. Nije uobicajen proizvod za ciscenje lica jer su prisutne i odredjene mikro-cestice koje imaju blago abrazivno dejstvo, tako da u istu ruku ova krema vrsi i funkciju pilinga. Vrlo mala kolicina proizvoda je potrebna za detaljno ciscenje lica.
"Facial souffle" je spontano postao deo mog jutarnjeg rituala. Pre tusiranja kremu nanesem na lice (koje prethodno ne navlazim, te je piling efekat i bolji) kruznim pokretima cime se poboljsava cirkulacija koze, ostavim je da odstoji na licu i isperem je na kraju tusiranja. Rezultat je cista, meka, barsunasta i glatka koza lica, spremna za dalju hidrataciju i negu!
I really like the products from Avon.
Me too dear! I have tried a bunch of their products!;)
DeleteMoram da probam! :D