Friday, March 15, 2013

Glam & Fab Engagement Rings

most beautiful and expensive diamond engagement rings

Since the early years of my "existence", I've always been attracted to all aesthetically pleasing, luxurious, glamorous and fabulous things. All that glitters and sparkles, all that sometimes seems so distant and unreachable, something that we dream about... Precious stones, brilliants, and of course "girl's best friends"- flawless and irreplaceable diamonds. Ah diamonds are my favorites: indestructible, eternal, graceful, elegant, powerful, gorgeous, especially when they decorate beautiful and gentle woman's hand.
Diamond ring has always been the symbol of: or pure and true love or destroying passion and desire. Even dough the passion is what really moves me, today's post will be dedicated to the romance: engagement rings whose symbolism is unnecessary to explain. My dear girls enjoy the following photos, dream about this beauty and firmly believe that you do deserve to have something like this on your finger. If by any chance the ring doesn't come from your "prince" don't be desperate: nowadays we are powerful enough to give this gift to ourselves! At the end: we only live once!!!

Od ranih godina mog "bitisanja", uvek su me privlacile sve estetski lepe, luksuzne, glamurozne i fabulozne stvari. Sve sto sija i svetluca, sve sto nam se ponekad cini tako daleko i nedostizno, nesto o cemu sanjamo i mastamo. Drago kamenje, brilijanti, i naravno "najbolji prijatelji devojke"- besprekorni i nezamenljivi dijamanti. Ah dijamanti su moji omiljeni: neunistivi, vecni, graciozni, elegantni, mocni, predivni, narocito kada krase lepu i neznu zensku ruku.
Dijamantski prsten je uvek simbol ili ciste i prave ljubavi ili unistavajuce strasti i pozude. Iako je strast ono sto mene pokrece, ipak ce danasnji post biti u znaku romantike: verenicko prstenje ciju je simboliku nepotrebno objasnjavati. Drage moje devojke uzivajte u narednim fotografijama, sanjate o ovoj lepoti i cvrsto verujte da i vi zasluzujete da se nesto ovako nadje i na vasoj ruci. Ako nekim slucajem prsten ne stigne od strane vaseg "princa" ne ocajavajte: u danasnje vreme smo dovoljno mocne da same sebe darujemo, zivot je ipak jedan!!

most beautiful square diamond engagement rings
diamond engagement rings
big statement diamond engagement rings pink diamond engagement rings
small and elegant diamond engagement rings
veliki dijamantski verenicki prstenovi
skupoceno verenicko prstenje od dijamanatathe most beautiful and expensive engagement rings with diamonds


  1. nikad nisam bila nesto posebno odusevljena..dok nisam dobila!!!

  2. Perfect timing. Engagement ring for Spring! Thank you for sharing the

  3. Ha, I wouldn't mind an 8 carat blinger! I don't suppose these were a hint to the Mr.?

    Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Wow! They're so beautiful:) I love the ones with square stones:)

  5. You have a really beautiful selection here Jelena!


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